
Know-how Know-why for Grow Light (I)

2022-06-22 09:38:26


What's the difference between general lighting and horticulture lighting? The former focuses on on the fixture and light output itselft, seems too for the latter, but really?

· visible sunshine full spectrum doesn't mean all or not a perfect take-to-use solution for grow light, just think that: the sunshine also contains spectrums whis are not so friendly or useful to a plant

What's the difference between general lighting and horticulture lighting? The former focuses on on the fixture and light output itselft, seems too for the latter, but really?

Generally speaking, for a lighting fixture, we say driver is the heart, thermal management is the conscientiousness (refers a lot to structure design and materials adopted), and optics is the soul

When it comes for horticulture light (such as the over hot grow light for cannabis plant since end of 2019), the soul (optics) means a lot, or even vital.

· Does the above saying really correct and make sense? Some people say "yes", but also many professional players say "not really"......

 Firstly, we always have to understand the "application" for a lighting proejct to design the right light. 

But, is that all applications for a grow light? Seems not, the center should be the specific plant, and then it's growth conditions. 

Well, now we know we do grow light for marihuana growth target for both indoor and outdoor greenhouse plant in legalized areas all over the world, may we establish a standardized product series for marketing and sales? 

Sounds possible, but not so easy, or too hard for most players...... First, the Theory of Photosynthesis itself is still constantly evolving (not mature), how could we expect to work out a light to fit all upon this theory? Second, the decisive LCN (light, CO2, Nutrient) factors vary a lot from case to case, how could we expect one light to perfect work with all? Third, just like the headache germicidal lighting, without approved experimental data or univally approved standard/theory, how could we prove that it works for all?......  

In one words: we could establish a standardized grow light platform for horticulture lighting, customized Sunlike+ solution provided for various plants growth upon these product platforms. 

Author: Roger Xu
Know-how Know-why for Grow Light (I)
What's the difference between general lighting and horticulture lighting? The former focuses on on the fixture and light output itselft, seems too for the latter, but really?
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